Fundraiser for Parker Hanson Prosthetic Replacement

Earlier this month, senior Augustana baseball player, Parker Hanson, had his prosthetic arm and attachments stolen from his vehicle in Sioux Falls, SD. At the time of the fitting, the value of the arm and attachments was upwards of $20,000-$25,000.

Donations made to this fundraiser will go directly to Parker for the replacement of his prosthetic. Any additional funds raised in excess of the cost of replacement will be donated to the Shriner’s Hospitals for Children and NubAbility on Parker’s behalf. Thank you in advance for your support of Parker, Shriner’s Hospitals for Children, and NubAbility.

UPDATE: Shriner's Hospitals for Children has generously offered to replace Parker's prosthetic arm at no cost to him. This fundraiser will continue in order to raise funds for Shriner's Hospitals for Children and NubAbility, and allow Parker the opportunity to give back to these two impactful organizations.

Recently, several news channels featured Parker’s inspirational story.

Checks can be made out to Augustana University, with Parker Hanson noted in the memo line and sent to:

Augustana University
2001 S Summit Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57197

Note: Donations to this cause are not a tax deductible gift. NCAA bylaw permits an institution to host a fundraiser on behalf of a student-athlete in extraordinary circumstances.

Questions: Contact Emily Punt at