3 Payment Plan Enrollment IPO
Student's Information



Payee Information

3 Payment Plan IPO Student Information
Which semesters would you like to use the payment plan for?
Which semesters would you like to use the payment plan for?


*I understand payments are to be made by the 15th of each month,  Aug, Sept & Oct for fall semester, Jan, Feb & Mar for spring semester and May, June & July for summer semester.  The first payment will be 50% of amount due.  The second payment will be 1/2 of the remaining amount due and the third payment will be the remaining balance. 
*I understand that this process is completed by myself either by payment via the portal login or submitting cash, check or credit card payment to the Business Office.
*I understand a service fee of $30.00 will be imposed on any returned/refused transactions (i.e NSF, etc)
*I understand there will be a 1.25% finance charge assessed on the outstanding account balance on the 15th of each month.